We would like to introduce Kamstec Interna�onal as one of the progressive organiza�on established to service Community and Country by providing best Equipment's and Technologies to the Researchers, Scien�st,Industrialist , Educa�onist , Doctors , technologist , and Engineer's working in different fields of Services, Analysis, Engineering, Universi�es ,Research and Technology in Pakistan. Kamstec Interna�onal is a private partnership company incorporated in Pakistan Several years ago , Formal registra�on with government and agencies was Completed later with �me. Kamstec Partners are from renowned Business families with decades of local & interna�onal experience in Industrial and Scien�fic Field. Kamstec head office is located in Karachi and branch offices in Islamabad , Lahore and Peshawar. Our branches are Suppor�ng our clients all over the Pakistan.
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